If you would like to join the Cloud Busters, here are a few things you need to know
In order to be able to use the club field you will need to be member of OK/RC and the AMA - Academy of Model Aeronautics. OK/RC club dues are $45.00 a year. Dues to the AMA are as follows:
The following is provided courtesy of the AMA
- Age 19-65 - $75
- 65 & over - $65
- Under 19 - Free or $15 with magazine
- Additional family members - $38
- $2,500,000 personal liability insurance coverage
- $25,000 Medical Coverage-AD&D Policy ($10,000 Death Benefit)
- $1,000 Fire, Theft, and Vandalism coverage
- Model Aviation monthly magazine
- Access to members only section of website
- Ability to fly at thousands of AMA chartered club sites with appropriate club membership
- Toll free customer service – 1-800-I-Fly-AMA (435-9262)
Park Pilot Program *
- $38
- $500,000 personal liability insurance coverage
- Park Pilot quarterly magazine
- Access to the members only section of the website
- AMA Park Pilot Partner network to help you get started
- $2.5 million liability coverage is available for owners of AMA-designated Park Flying Sites
- Toll free customer service – 1-800-I-Fly-AMA (435-9262)
* Aircraft must not exceed 2 pounds, 60 mph, and may not be powered with an internal combustion engine
The best way to join OK/RC is to attend one of the monthly meetings, you can pay your club dues there, stick around and get to know this great group of people. You may also attend a meeting and/or one of the fly-ins as a guest if you want to get the feel of it all. The times, dates and locations of the meetings are listed at the top of the Newsletter page, our fly-in dates, time, and locations will be listed on the Events page. You may also contact us with any questions at okrccloudbusters@att.net or call one of the club officers listed on the Members page. If you have any questions about the AMA, they can be contacted at www.modelaircraft.org or you may call their number listed above. Hope to see you at the next meeting or fly-in!